Create Geosoft Colour Grid from Aggregate

The Create Geosoft Colour Grid from Aggregate option (AGGGRID GX) will create a colour grid from an aggregate on a map.

Create Geosoft Colour Grid from Aggregate dialog options

Map aggregate

Select a map aggregate from the list of aggregates on the currently displayed map.

Script Parameter: AGGGRID.IN

Reference grid file

Select a reference grid on which to base the output colour grid. The reference grid is used to establish the coordinate system and image pixel resolution for the output colour grid. The aggregate will be sampled to match the reference grid.

Script Parameter: AGGGRID.REF

Output grid file

The name of the output colour grid file. This should normally be a Geosoft colour grid.

Script Parameter: AGGGRID.OUT

Application Notes

This GX is normally used to create a colour image file from a data grid for use as the default image on a DAP Web server. See the DAP Administrator documentation for more information about using an image file to support DAP web pages.