Earth-Tide Correction

Use the Moving Platform Gravity > Corrections by Steps > Earth-Tide Correction menu option (AGTIDECOR GX) to calculate the earth-tide correction.

Calculate Earth-Tide Correction dialog options

Hours to GMT (+ in West)

This is the time difference between the time recorded in the survey database and GMT. This is a positive number in the Western hemisphere. If this field is left blank, no tide correction is applied.

Script Parameter AGTIDECOR.GMT

Output tide correction channel

The tide correction channel name. The default name is "TideCor".

Script Parameter AGTIDECOR.OUTCH

Application Notes:

The earth-tide correction is due to the position of the sun and the moon at the time and location of the observation. The full formula is too complex to list here, but it can be obtained from the Dominion Observatory of Canada.