Automated Map Sheets

Use the Map Tools > Automated Map Sheets menu option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.MapTemplate.MakeMapSheets;Run)*), to create map sheets by dividing the current map’s data view into sheets (in metres or degrees) at a specified scale.

To create an automated Map sheet:

  1. On the Map Tools menu, select Automated Map Sheets and the Automated Map Sheets (1/3) - Map Template dialog is displayed.  Use this dialog to select a Map Template from the map template library. Click the Next> button to continue.

  2. The Automated Map Sheets (2/3) - Preparation dialog is displayed. Use this dialog to set the coordinates, scale, offsets and other data view parameters to adjust the layout of the map sheets.

  3. Click the Edit Coordinate Properties button to display the Map Sheet Production View Properties dialog, which can be used to edit the appearance of the coordinates group.

  4. Use the lower section to associate extra template views with the desired source map view. These views will contain the contents of the matched views in the source map but resized and placed at the desired positions as specified in the template.
    The Data view of the template is automatically associated with the Data view of the source map and will not appear in the list. However, it  is possible to associate the Data view in the source map with other views in the template.
    For each view association it is also possible to place an index indicator rectangle in the associated output view on each sheet by selecting the Index Map Outline options in this grid.

  5. Click the Preview button to examine the prepared map sheets or to refresh the preview after adjusting parameters. Click the Next> button to continue.

  6. The Automated Map Sheets (3/3) - Creation dialog is displayed. Use this dialog to select the map sheets for creation, map name prefix, destination and preference for loading map sheets.

    There is a Preview button present on both the second and the third dialogs of this wizard. Use the button to examine the prepared map sheets or to refresh the preview after adjusting parameters. The preview window can also be used to select specific map sheets for output by simple mouse clicks on the sheets in the preview window.
  7. Click the Finish button to create the specified map sheets.

Automated Map Sheets Wizard (1/3) – Map Template

Select a map template from the library to use for creation of map sheets from the current map.


List Box

Use this to pick the map template that has been added into the library to use.

Preview pane

This gives a preview of what the template looks like.


Click the Next> button to continue.

Automated Map Sheets Wizard (2/3) – Preparation

Set the coordinates, scale, offsets and other data view parameters to adjust the layout of the map sheets.


X,Y Coordinates


Long, Lat Coordinates

Using the radio buttons (../image/radiobutton.jpg) select the coordinates to use in defining the map sheets as X,Y Coordinatesor Lon,Lat Coordinates.

Data View Parameters


Type a desired scale for the output sheets. The wizard will not allow the process to continue unless a reasonable output scale for the given source map and template is typed here. Watch the Map sheet information pane on how this parameter will affect the output.

X Offset / Long Offset

Y Offset / Lat Offset

Depending on the "Coordinates" selected above, the X,Y Offset (m) or Lon,Lat Offset (degrees) will be displayed, enabling you to shift the origin of the bottom left map sheet to optimize the layout.

Long Range 

Lat Range

When "Lon,Lat Coordinates" are selected above, the Lon Range, Lat Rangeparameters will be enabled. Set the longitude and latitude range of the map window area (eg. 0.5 degrees x 0.25 degrees).

Edit Coordinate Properties

Click the Edit Coordinate Properties button to display the Map Sheet Production View Properties dialog, which can be used to edit the appearance of the coordinates group.

Extra template/map views association grid

Associate extra template views with the desired source map view. These views will contain the contents of the matched views in the source map but resized and placed at the desired positions as specified in the template.

The Data view of the template is automatically associated with the Data view of the source map and will not appear in the list. It is however possible to associate the Data view in the source map with other views in the template.

For each view association it is also possible to place an index indicator rectangle in the associated output view on each sheet by selecting the Index Map Outline options in this grid.


Click the Preview button to preview the output map sheets.

Map Sheet Information



Sheet extent


The number of individual map sheets required.

The layout (width x height) of the map sheets (eg. 2x3)

The map sheet extent, defined by the selected coordinate system.

  • This information is based on the "Scale" specified in the Data view parameters section.
  • Source extent

    The original source extents of the current open map.


    Click the Next> button to continue.

    Automated Map Sheets Wizard (3/3) – Creation

    Specify map sheets for creation, map name prefix, destination and preference for loading map sheets.

    Output Parameters


    Use the All prepared map sheets option to output all the sheets or click the Specific map sheet(s) to enter (or select in Preview mode) only specific map sheets to create.

    Map series name

    This string will be used as a prefix to the sheet numbers if specified.

    Destination folder

    A destination folder can be chosen or this option can be left blank to output the sheets into the current project directory.

    Load Created Map Sheets

    Check this box to immediately load the sheets as they are created. Be careful with this option when many map sheets are being created as the system may need a lot of memory to load all the maps.

    Application Notes

    *The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.

    The Data view of the template will match a region (at the specified scale) and contain the clipped contents of the Data view in the source map in each sheet created.