Split on Line Channel

Use the Database Tools > Line Tools > Split on Line Channel menu option, (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.Database.SplitLinesOnChannel;Run)*), to break a line or lines into component lines based on line numbers in a reference channel.

The option is also available with the Gravity and Terrain Correction extension under the Moving Platform Gravity > Split Line menu.

Split on Line Channel dialog options

Line to split

Line or lines to break up. Select one of "All lines" or "Selected lines" options.

Script Parameter: BRKLINE.LINE

Line reference channel

Line reference channel. The new lines will be named by the numbers in this channel.

Script Parameter: BRKLINE.CHAN

Reset fiducial start values to zero

After splitting the line, the fiducial of the first point can be preserved (default) or set to zero.

Script Parameter: BRKLINE. RESET_FID_STARTS[0-No, 1-Yes]

Application Notes

*The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.

This GX is intended to be used to break up lines that are imported from ASCII archives which have the line numbers in a column. In this situation, the normal IMPORT GX can be used to import the data and place the line number in a separate channel. The BRKLINE GX can then be used to break up the line into separate line segments based on the imported line channel. After breaking up a line the line will be empty and can be deleted. If there are existing lines with the same line number as the new line segment, the new line version will be incremented.

In order for the BRKLINE GX to work on random data, the reference channel needs to be previously sorted (using Utility/Sort/Sort all). If the reference channel is not sorted before the operation then multiple lines may be created for each grouping of relevant-reference-channel-values found by the BRKLINE GX. For example, relevant-reference-channel-values are values of the reference channel that fall between eg. 2.50 - 3.49, which will be placed into L3:0. The first line created will be an integer (eg. L3:0) and the multiple lines created hence will appear like so: L3.0:1, L3.0:2, L3.0:3 etc. These multiple lines appear in the fiducial header and are created each time BRKLINE GX encounters values to be placed in an already existing line after having read values relevant to a differing line.

  • The BRKLINE GX interprets the values in the reference channel as alpha-numeric values. If the value can be interpreted as a floating point value, then it is rounded to the nearest integer. The interpretation of line type, version and flight number information (as is found in the line labels such as "L10.1:3") is not supported.