Probability Plot

Use the CHPRPROB GX to print a probability plot.

Probability Plot dialog options


Plot Title.

Script Parameter: CHPRPROB.TITLE

Plot size (mm)

Box width (in mm).

Script Parameter: CHPRPROB.WIDTH

X Position

X location of bottom left corner of box.

Script Parameter: CHPRPROB.X

Y Position

Y location of bottom left corner of box.

Script Parameter: CHPRPROB.Y

Symbol size (mm)

Size for individual symbols.


Standard deviations from mean

The horizontal range. If the input value is sigma, then the range will be plotted from –sigma to +sigma. The valid range for number of standard deviations is from 1 to 5.

Script Parameter: CHPRPROB.SIGMA

Summary statistics

Print summary of statistics? "Yes" or "No" (default No).

Script Parameter: CHPRPROB.SUMM

Application Notes

Click on the print button image\ebx_-1490625595.jpg in the probability analysis tool. Enter a title, the plot size and X,Y position on the map relative to the bottom left hand corner.

If you select Locate you will be asked to locate the position of the bottom left corner of the histogram.

After pressing OK the plot will be displayed on the map.

Transform Options

The data transform type is taken from the channel attributes. If no transform is specified, then the raw data is used.