Redisplay Assay Channels

Use the Geochem Analysis > GeochemUtilities > Redisplay Assay Channels option (CHREDISPLAYASSAY GX) to unload and reload assay channels, especially for sorting the channels alphabetically or loading all assay channels at once. Assay channels are reloaded after all the other channels and displayed toward the right side of the database.

Redisplay Assay Channels dialog options

Assay channel selection

Select one of the options:

"All assay channels" : All channels with their "CLASS" attribute set to "ASSAY" are displayed.

"Currently displayed assay channels": Only those channels currently loaded and displayed in the current line are re-loaded.

"Select ASSAY channels from list" -- select ASSAY class channels from a two-panel selection list.

All the channels (not just the assay channels) are first unloaded, then reloaded in the following order: Non-assay channels, then assay channels.


Sort alphabetically?

Select "Yes" to sort the assay channels in alphabetical order when they are reloaded. If "No" is selected, the following occurs:

If "All assay channels" is selected, the display order is the same as the order that the channels were initially imported into the database, e.g. the column order of the original CSV file or database table.

If "Currently displayed assay channels" is selected, the original display order of the assay channels is preserved.

Script Parameter: CHREDISPLAYASSAY.SORT: 0 Don;t sort; 1: Sort (default)