Copy Channel with Mask

Use the Database Tools > Channel Tools > Copy Channel with Mask menu option (COPYMASK GX) to copy one channel to another, using a mask channel to set values.

Copy Channel with Mask

Copy from

Original channel.

Script Parameter: COPYMASK.FROM

Copy to

Destination channel (can be same as original channel)

Script Parameter: COPYMASK.TO

Mask channel

Mask channel. Value which are dummies will mask the original channel values. If the mask channel value is not a dummy, the data value is copied as normal.

Script Parameter: COPYMASK.MASK

Application Notes

If a new channel does not exist, it will be created with the same definition as the original channel. Where the mask channel value is a dummy "*", the copied value will be set to a dummy; otherwise the data is copied as is, subject to the usual rule on data conversion if the original and destination channels are different types.