Graduated Colour Symbol Legend

Use the Graduated Colour Symbol Legend (CSLEGEND GX) to place a legend describing the graduated colour symbol scheme on your map. The user must input an AGG, ITR or ZON file with the colour-value relationship. Run the GX from the Plot Symbol Legend button on the Histogram Analysis tool.

Graduated Colour Symbol Legend dialog options

Title for legend (Optional)

Title for the legend.

Script Parameter: CSLEGEND.TITLE

Subtitle for legend (Optional)

Subtitle for the legend.


X position (mm)

Location of the bottom left corner in X

Script Parameter: CSLEGEND.X

Y position (mm)

Location of the bottom left corner in Y

Script Parameter: CSLEGEND.Y

Colour table

Select the colour scheme for rendering the graduated colour symbol legend. If you mouse over the colour scheme entry, a tooltip will display the name of the colour table in its folder. To modify the selection, click on the colour entry and then navigate through the scheme categories.

Script Parameter: CSLEGEND.FILE


The symbol type.

Script Parameter: CSLEGEND.SYMBOL

Symbol weight

The symbol weight.

Script Parameter: CSLEGEND.SYMBWT

Edge colour

The symbol edge colour.

Script Parameter: CSLEGEND.EDGECOL

Application Notes

The Legend plots the symbols on the left, with the corresponding data ranges on the right. The legend text is scaled using the legend height and the number of colour zones in the graduated colour symbol file; some experimentation may be required with the legend height, width and symbol size to produce a well-balanced output legend.