Re-Fid a Channel to a Distance Base

Use the 1D FFT > Advanced Settings > Re-Fid to Distance menu option (DISTFID GX) to create a distance-based channel from a fiducial-based channel.

Re-Fid to Distance dialog options

Channel to re-fid

Select the data channel to be re-sampled.

Script Parameter: DISTFID.IN

Distance sampled output channel

Select a new distance-based channel.

Script Parameter: DISTFID.OUT

Distance increment

The required distance increment. If not specified, the nominal data spacing will be used.

Script Parameter: DISTFID.INCR

Maximum distance gap to interpolate

The Maximum distance gap to interpolate.

The distance gaps in the data larger than this will not be interpolated. The default is 1.5 times the nominal data increment.

Script Parameter: DISTFID.GAP

Interpolation method

Select the interpolation method to use, "Minimum Curvaturer", "Linear", "Akima".

Script Parameter: DISTFID.METHOD

Application Notes

This GX uses a channel named "_Distance" as the distance reference channel. If this channel does not exist, the "X" and "Y" channels are used to create a "_Distance" channel, which will contain the cumulative down-line distance starting at 0.

If you would like to use some other reference channel, perhaps the "X" or "Y" channels directly, copy the desired reference channel to a channel named "_Distance" before running the DISTFID GX. Note that the new channel should only be viewed or processed with other distance-based channels.