Plot Datamine Polygons to Drillhole Sections

Use the DMPLOTPOLY  GX to plot Datamine polygons to Drillhole sections for editing.

Plot Datamine Polygons to Drillhole Sections dialog options

Datamine polygon file

Enter the name of the Datamine polygon file for plotting and editing.

Script Parameter: DMPLOT.FILE

Section horizontal thickness

Once a polygon is selected, the section location, azimuth and swing is calculated from the polygon’s orientation in 3 dimensions. The horizontal thickness defines the envelope for plotting the holes; only those holes passing inside the volume of the section are plotted. The thicker the section, the larger the contained volume, and hence the more holes that will be seen.

Script Parameter: DMPLOT.SECTION_THICKNESS (default 10.0)

Line thickness (mm)

The thickness of the plotted polygon lines. It is chosen relatively large (default 1.0mm) in order to stand out easily from the background items in the view. Of course, if no holes pass through the defined thickness of the section near the polygon, then the section may be drawn with nothing visible.

Script Parameter: DMPLOT.LINE_THICKNESS (default 1.0)

Line colour

The colour of the plotted polygon lines

Script Parameter: DMPLOT.LINE_COLOUR (default "R" (red))

Vertex box size (mm)

At each polygon vertex, the size of the box to draw for selecting and moving the vertex.

Script Parameter: DMPLOT.BOX_SIZE (default 3.0)

Application Notes

Load the Menu

There is no bar menu for the Datamine polygon editing GXs; however, by loading the "DMPoly.omn" file, the various GXs become available from the right-mouse button menu when a map is selected.

General Usage

Currently, one section is drawn for each selected polygon. Vertices may be moved, added, or deleted (labeled vertices cannot be deleted).

The map tools for moving, adding or deleting polygon vertices cannot, at present, be used for modifying the polygon, because of the need to track which of the vertices are labeled, and to prevent the deletion of the those vertices.

All modifications are performed in the plane of the polygon.

It is recommended that you create a copy of the polygon file before editing it. Changes made to the polygon are immediately saved to the polygon file itself, and cannot currently be undone.

Once you select OK in the dialog, a list of the available polygons is displayed. Select one or more. Each selected polygon is plotted to its own Drillhole Section map.

Define Drillhole Section Parameters for Polygon Plots

The Datamine polygon GXs use the Drillhole parameter file "DMEdit.ins" to control the section creation. To create this file, define the section parameters as normal in the Section Parameters tabbed dialog (DH_Sect | Section), then go to the Load/Save tab and save the current parameters, selecting "DMEdit.ins" as the output file.