Select/Deselect Name or Mask

Use the Select/Deselect Name or Mask option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.Database.SelectLinesByNameOrMask;Run)*) to select or deselect lines with a defined name or name mask.

Select/Deselect Name or Mask dialog options

Line name

(* and ? accepted)

Select the line name. You can also use wildcards (name mask) in the line name. Use " ? " to match any single character wildcard, and use " * " to match multiple characters. The mask check is done on the full name, which includes the line type and line version, for example, "L100.3". Therefore, if you want everything in the 100s, including all the versions, you might use "L1??.*".

Script Parameter: DHSLNAME. NAME


Select if lines with the above name or mask name version are to be appended or overwritten.

Overwrite: apply the change to ALL lines, so every line is either selected or deselected according to whether the line name matches the input name or name mask.

Append: apply the changes ONLY to the lines where the line name matches the input name or name mask, and for all other selections the existing selection remains.

Script Parameter: DHSLNAME.MODE [0 – Overwrite (default), 1 – Append]

[Select] / [Deselect]

Click the appropriate option to select/deselect the line.

Script Parameter: DHSLNAME.SELECT [0 – Deselect (default), 1 – Select]

*The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.