Lithology Tab – Display 3D Drillholes

Use the Lithology tab to plot 3D Lithology in your 3D View using rock code colours. 3D Lithology will appear as cylinders (tubes) and can be coloured based on any text (string) channel in the Drillhole project, that has a matching rock code file.

Lithology Tab Options

Display lithology

Select this box to plot drillhole lithology data (or any text values in a channel) as tubes based on selected holes in the active Drillhole project.

Disabled if the dialog is opened in edit mode.

Script Parameter: DH_3DSYMBOLS.DISPLAY_LITHO="1"

Geology channel

Select a channel from the drop-down list to be used for plotting lithology. The list contains the string (text) channels found in the From – To databases of the current Drillhole project.

The drop-down shows a combined name: the name of the channel, followed by the database name in which the channel is found.

Disabled if the dialog is opened in edit mode.


Rock code file

Select the rock code file name.

Click the Browse button to locate and select a pre-defined rock code file in CSV format. The file should contain a “Code” field that matches the lithology (or strings) contained in the selected geology channel as well as a “Colour” field containing the numerical values to assign to each code.

Note that Patterns are not supported in the 3D view, therefore any existing patterns in the rock code file will only show the background colour.

Click the Edit () button to display the Edit Colour Codes dialog. Use this dialog to create a colour code file from the selected channel or edit an existing rock code file


Size ()

Specify the size of the lithology tubes in View units.

Specify a different size or use the Calculate button to revert to the default estimated value.

Script Parameter: DH_3DSYMBOLS_LITHO.SIZE="10"

Application Notes

A 3D Lithology group will take the name of the Drillhole Project with the suffix _Lithology appended, regardless of the type of data used; the name can be modified afterward.

3D Drillholes groups with the exception of collars will be re-scaled if Axes Scaling is modified (3D View Settings dialog).

Plotting 3D Drillholes in an empty 3D view will assign the coordinate system and units from the current Drillhole project database to the 3D View. Adding 3D Drillholes to a 3D View that has a different defined coordinate system (or units) from the current Drillhole project will first reproject the locations of the drillholes into the coordinate system (or units) of the 3D view.