Drillhole Export to LAS File

Use the DH-Data > Export > LAS File menu option (DHEXPORTLAS GX) to export a Drillhole project to a LAS v2.0 file format.

  1. On the DH-Data menu click Export, and then click LAS File. The Drill Hole – Export to a LAS v2.0 File dialog is displayed.

  2. Using the Assay database drop-down list, select the database (from-to data) to export from your working directory.

  3. In the Output depth interval box, specify the output depth interval to use.

  4. The output data is sampled at this interval. The range of the depths is determined, and the first integral multiple of the depth interval less than or equal to the minimum depth, and the first integral multiple greater than or equal to the maximum depth are the bounding depths output.
  1. Then, using the Holes to export drop-down list, select which holes to export: "Selected holes", "All holes", or "Select from list".

  2. Click the OK button to export the Drillhole project to a LAS file format.

Drill Hole - Export to a LAS v2.0 File

Assay database

Select the database for export. Each hole will be exported to its own file; for instance, if the desired database to export is "Tutorial_point.gdb", then select "point" from the list, and the DH001 hole will be exported to the file "DH001.point.las"

Script Parameter: DHEXPORTLAS.ASSAYDB (index of the assay database).


The output data is sampled at this interval. The range of the depths is determined, and the first integral multiple of the depth interval less than or equal to the minimum depth, and the first integral multiple greater than or equal to the maximum depth are the bounding depths output.


Holes to export

Select which holes to export "Selected holes", "All holes", or "Select from list"

Script Parameter: DHEXPORTLAS.SELECTED: "ALL", "SELECTED" or "LIST". If using the "LIST" option, set the DHEXPORTLAS.LIST parameter to be the selected holes, comma-separated.

Application Notes

The DHIMPORTLAS stores most of an import LAS file in a database "blob", one for each hole. If this information is found for the exported hole, it is used to populate the exported LAS file. If the exported hole was not created using the DHIMPORTLAS GX, then a "bare-bones" LAS file is created.