Drillhole Export to Surpac Geological Database

Use the DH-Data > Export > Surpac Geological Database menu option (DHEXPSURPACGD GX) to export drillhole data to a Surpac Geological Database Microsoft Access database (MDB).

Export to a Surpac Geological Database (Access MDB) dialog options

Output MDB file name

Output file name, .MDB assumed.

Script Parameter: DHEXPDB.FILE

Holes to export

Select which holes to export "Selected holes", "All holes", or "Select from list"

Script Parameter: DHEXPDB.SELECTED: "ALL", "SELECTED" or "LIST". If using the "LIST" option, set the DHEXPDB.LIST parameter to be the selected holes, comma-separated.

Application Notes

Either the "Selected Holes" or "All Holes" may be exported.

If the output file and table already exist, the table will be overwritten, and previous contents will be lost.

The Surpac Geological Database

Although Surpac can read variety of databases, this GX is restricted to creating a Microsoft ACCESS database. Channel names in the individual drill project databases are translated to correspond to those required by Surpac.

Three tables are required in a Surpac Geological Database; collar, survey and translation. All drill projects have a collar database, but a survey database is not necessarily required. However, for the Surpac export you must have a Dip-Azimuth survey database. Since the translation table concept is not found in Target, an empty translation table is created by the export.