Import Plot Data Parameters

Use the DHIMPDATAPARAM GX to import data plot meta-data information into a drillhole project.

Drillhole - Import Plot Data Parameters - dialog options

Data parameter directory

Enter the location of the data parameter INI files.


Application Notes

Data plotting parameters (such as profile line colour or the rock code file) are normally stored in the database along with the individual data channels.

When defining parameters for plan, section, strip log or 3D plots, you can use the "Load/Save" tab to save these parameters to INI files.

This GX accomplishes the same function as the "Load data parameters from INI files" button, but is written as a GX so that this functionality can be included inside a non-interactive script process.

INI files for individual databases are stored in sub-directories off of the input directory. For instance, data from assay fields in the "Tutorial_Assay.gdb" database would be stored in the INI\Tutorial_Assay subdirectory, if "INI" was the name specified above as the Data parameter directory.

  • The import process will check the input directory itself, before looking for a sub-directory with the correct name. This makes it possible to save and load values to projects with different project names.