Select Data from Map

Use the DH-Plot > Select Data from Map menu option (DHMASKPLY GX) to select data in a drillhole database using the polygon selection tool on a plan or section map.

Select Data from a Plan or Section

Mask channel name

The name of the channel to set the selection. Selected data is given the value "1" and non-selected data is indicated by a dummy "*". If this channel does not exist, it is created.

If the mask channel is the same as the one specified in the Preferences, and if the use of the mask channel is enabled, then only those data points which are selected will plot in plan or section maps.

Script Parameter: DHMASKPLY.MASK


If "New" is chosen, all the mask values in the selected holes are first reset to dummies, and then the mask values of selected data are set to 1. If "Append" is chosen, the current selection is added to what already is selected. No value which is already selected ("1") will be set to dummy.

Script Parameter:DHMASKPLY.APPEND: 0: Append, 1: New

Hole selection

Update just the selected holes, or all the holes.

Script Parameter:DHMASKPLY.SELECT: 0: All, 1: Selected holes

Application Notes

Before running this GX, select the plan or section map you wish to use. Only the "main" section or plan view is used in the plan or section map (e.g. you cannot select data in the plan view on a Section map, nor can you select data from the section view of a Plan map.)

The "third" dimension is taken from the map itself. Sections generally have a "thickness", but plan maps may either have a thickness (a vertical slice), or have no limitations on the included elevations (full plan). Pierce point plan maps have no thickness, but are treated the same as full plans, with infinite thickness. Only those data located inside the envelope defined by the polygon bounds, and the slice thickness, are selected.

  • During the selection process, for section maps, the locations in the status bar change to the local view coordinates; this is temporary, and necessary only while the polygon is being defined by the user. The coordinates revert back to the original Easting, Northing and Relative Level once the polygon is selected.