Select Holes using a Polygon File

Use the DH-Plot > Select Holes > Polygon File menu option (DHSELECTPLY GX) to select holes based on an area described in a polygon file.

Select Holes using a Polygon File

Polygon file

Polygon file to use

Script Parameter: DHSELECTPLY.FILE


Choose whether to select holes based on the polygon, or deselect holes.

Script Parameter: DHSELECTPLY.SELECT (0: deselect, 1: select – default 1)

Select holes

Choose holes inside or outside of defined area. "Inside" means that if you have defined an inclusive mask, then the points outside the mask region will have their mask values set to dummy. "Outside" reverses this behaviour.

Remember that at this time that one or more isolated exclusion polygons are NOT supported. All exclusion polygons must be contained within an inclusion polygon, or no points will be selected.

Script Parameter: DHSELECTPOLY.INSIDE (0:Inside; 1:Outside – default 0)


In "append" mode, only those holes inside/outside (depending on "Select holes" setting above) the polygon are selected or de-selected.

In "new" mode, before any selection is done, the selection state of all the holes is set to the opposite of the "Select/deselect" setting above.

(See the notes below for an exhaustive description of what happens for each setting).

Script Parameter: CHPOLY.APPEND (0:Append, 1:New, default 0)

Application Notes

The various combinations of the selection options produce the following results:

  • New/Select/inside: Unselect all holes, and then select all holes inside the polygon.
  • New/Select/outside: Unselect all holes, and then select all holes outside the polygon.
  • New/Deselect/inside: Select all holes, and then deselect all holes inside the polygon.
  • New/Deselect/outside: Select all holes, and then deselect all holes outside the polygon.
  • Append/Select/inside: Select all holes inside the polygon. Leave selections outside as is.
  • Append/Select/outside: Select all holes outside the polygon. Leave selections inside as is.
  • Append/Deselect/inside: Deselect all holes inside the polygon. Leave selections outside as is.
  • Append/Deselect/outside: Deselect all holes outside the polygon. Leave selections inside as is.