Export to a New Drillhole Project

Use the DH-Data > Subset Project option (DHSUBSETPROJ GX) to export a subset of a drillhole project to a new drillhole project.

Export to a New Drillhole Project dialog options

New project name

Name of the new drill-hole project. The project name cannot contain any underscore characters "_". You can use the same project name as the original project, as long as you export to a different directory.


Project directory

The directory in which to create the new drill project. (read only)

Script Parameter: DH.PROJECT_DIR

Holes to export

Select which holes to export "Selected holes", "All holes", or "Select from list"

Script Parameter: DHSUBSETPROJ.SELECTED: "ALL", "SELECTED" or "LIST". If using the "LIST" option, set the DHSUBSETPROJ.LIST parameter to be the selected holes, comma-separated.


Specify a directory into which the subset project will be placed. A new directory can be specified by editing the displayed path, or by selecting a path using the browse tool "…" and modifying that location.