Create Contact Surface from Geology

Use the option Create Contact Surface from Geology, (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.DrillHole.GeologyTopBottomSurface;Run)*), to determine the top or bottom contact points of the selected drillholes with a specified lithology, then grid the points and plot the resulting grid as a relief surface in a 3D view.

The option can be accessed from the following locations:

  • The Voxel > Utilities menu
  • The Add to 3D > Drillhole menu in 3D Viewer
  • The DH-Plot menu of the Drillhole Plotting extension

Create Contact Surface from Geology dialog options  

Geology channel

Select an item from the list of from-to data channels. The data is displayed in the format [Database] channel, where [Database] is the particular project database (without the project name prefix).


Geology unit

Select the contact surface value from the list. This list is automatically populated with the sorted, unique items found in the selected geology channel.



Select the contact surface from one of the following options:

Top: The location of the first occurrence of the selected item going down the hole.

Bottom: The location of the first occurrence of the selected item beginning at the bottom of the hole and going up.

For one of the following layers: "first layer", "second layer" or "last layer".

Script Parameters:

DHGEOSURFACE.SURFACE (0: top, 1: bottom)

DHGEOSURFACE.LAYER (0: first layer, 1: second layer, 2: last layer)

Output grid

Enter the name of the output grid file. This is essentially a DEM (digital elevation model) grid, where the grid "Z" values correspond to the surface level.


Colour table

Select the colour scheme for rendering the relief surface. If you mouse over the colour scheme entry, a tooltip will display the name of the colour table in its folder. To modify the selection, click on the colour entry and then navigate through the scheme categories.


[More]                   Click this button to display additional gridding parameters

Cell size

Enter the output grid cell size. If no value is entered, a reasonable default is calculated, based on the grid's X and Y data extents. To view this calculated value, click the Calculator (../../image/calculator_button.jpg) button, to the right of the Cell size text box.   


Compositing gap

Enter a compositing gap value. Any gap between two lithology intervals of the same type that is less than or equal to this value will be “interpolated”, that is, it is assumed the gap is actually the same lithology. If this value is left blank, then all gaps are treated as real; no interpolation is done. For more detailed information, see the "Compositing Gap" section in the Application Notes below.


Non-contact radius

Once all hole contacts have been located, and the surface plotted, the holes without contacts are checked to see if they intersect the grid. A "hole" is then punched in the grid with a radius provided by this parameter, in ground units.

At all times, this value will be reduced to no more than one-half the distance from the "non-contact" point to the nearest contact point. If left blank, the hole will be sized for each contact individually, based on one-half the distance to the nearest contact. If set to zero, no dummying will be done around holes with no contacts (e.g. they will be ignored). Radial distances are measured horizontally; they do not take the contact elevations into account.


Gridding method

Select a gridding method. The "minimum curvature" option allows extrapolation of the surface beyond the outside boundary of the contact points, as well as a host of options for adjustment, while the "TIN-based natural neighbour" gridding provides output guaranteed to duplicate the input surface location at grid points corresponding to contact points; the grid itself is plotted for points falling within the "convex hull" of the contact points.

Script Parameter: DHGEOSURFACE.GRIDDING_METHOD (0: minimum curvature, 1: natural-neighbour TIN)

Minimum Curvature Gridding Options

Blanking distance

All grid cells farther than the blanking distance from a valid point will be set to dummies in the output grid.
The default blanking distance is calculated as:

Preferably this parameter should be set to just greater than the maximum distance through which interpolation is desired.

Script Parameter: GROUPNAME.BKD

Starting search radius

This is the maximum search radius to use for establishing the starting grid values for the coarse grid. The default is four times the coarse grid size defined by the ‘Starting coarse grid’. If no data is found within the maximum search radius, the mean of the data is used as the starting value. If the search radius is too small, the starting grid can be a poor approximation of the desired grid, resulting in excessive processing time. If too large, too much time will be consumed establishing the original coarse grid.

Script Parameter:GROUPNAME.SRD

Internal tension (0-1)

The degree of internal tension (between 0 and 1). The default is no tension (0), which produces a true minimum curvature grid. Increasing tension can be used to prevent overshooting of valid data in sparse areas; however, curvature in the vicinity of real data will increase. In general, the more sparse areas are present in the data (with localized highs and lows), the higher the tension should be set.

Script Parameter: GROUPNAME.TENS

Application Notes

*The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.

Cell Size

The default grid "Cell size" is determined using the same formula used to compute the default cell size for the voxel:

a) The extents in X, Y and Z are determined from the selected holes.

b) A volume is calculated from the extents.

c) The cell size is calculated for a single cube, assuming the volume is divided equally into 10000 individual cubes.

d) The value is rounded down to give a "nicer" value.

Compositing Gap

When processing a hole, the first step is to composite the data based on the lithological intervals. In other words, all consecutive items of the same type are joined together to make single from-to intervals, for example:

From      To       Value


From     To     Value

0      5       A

5      10      A

10     15      B

15     20      B

20     25      A

0      10     A

10     20     B

20     25     A

Often there are gaps in the data, e.g. if a from-to interval has no value, or if a from-to interval is missing altogether:

From     To     Value 


From     To     Value

0      3       A

3      5

5      10      A

10     15      B

15     20      B

20     25      A

0     3      A

5     10     A

10    15     B

15    20     B

20    25     A

In this situation, what should you do? Do we divide the top "A" section into two layers, or just make one layer? This is what the "Compositing gap" parameter is for. If the gap is less than or equal to the compositing gap value, then "interpolate" the lithological value over the interval, that is, assume the gap doesn't exist. So if the input gap value was 1.0, the above cases would reduce to: 

From     To     Value 

 0    3     A    // Layer 1 for A

 5    10    A    // Layer 2 for A

 10   20    B    // Layer 1 for B

 20   25    A    // Layer 3 for A

If the compositing gap value was 2.0, you would get:

From     To     Value 

0     10    A    // Layer 1 for A

10    20    B    // Layer 1 for B

20    25    A   // Layer 2 for A