Calculate and Display Analytic Signal Grid

Use the Euler 3D > Calculate and Display Analytic Signal Grid dialog option (E3ASIG GX) to compute the analytic signal grid from existing derivative grids.

Calculate Analytic Signal dialog options

Input X-derivative grid

Input X-derivative grid

Script Parameter: EULER3D.DX

Input Y-derivative grid

Input Y-derivative grid

Script Parameter: EULER3D.DY

Input Z-derivative grid

Input Z-derivative grid

Script Parameter: EULER3D.DZ

Output analytic signal grid

Output analytic signal grid

Script Parameter: E3ASIG.ASIG

Display AS grid in new map ?

Display analytic signal grid (1) or to the current map (0)

Script Parameter: E3ASIG.NEW

Application Notes

Calculation of analytic signal:

The analytic signal is the square root of the sum of the squares of the derivatives in the x, y, and z directions:

asig = sqrt ( dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz )

The analytic signal is useful in locating the edges of magnetic source bodies, particularly where remanence and/or low magnetic latitude complicates interpretation.

Display of analytic signal grid:

If the grids are to be displayed in a new map, an additional dialog box will appear requesting the map name. Map layout, style and title settings may be defined using the MAP OPTIONS button. Pressing the button initializes a series of dialog boxes in which the map settings may be defined. Subsequent maps will default to the settings used.