Export Map Groups to Datamine String File

Use the EXPDATAMINESTR GX to export selected map group line work to a Datamine string (*.dm) file.

Export Map Groups to Datamine Coordinate String File

Datamine string file

Enter the name of the Datamine string (*.dm) file.

Script Parameter: EXPDATAMINE.FILE

Application Notes

The GX begins by listing the groups available for export from the current view in the current map. Only those groups which are checked as visible (even if they are not currently visible in the map window) are selectable. You may select any number of groups for export.
If the map groups are not from the view you want to export, reset the current Data View using the Select View Mode option on the Map Manager toolbar.
The next step is to pick a name for the output file:

  • If only one group is selected, the file name defaults to the map name, with the group name appended.

  • If more than one group is selected, the file name defaults to the map name with the "dm" file extension.

Each individual line, polyline or polygon object is exported to the file. Text or symbols are not exported.