Export to Shape File(s)

Use the Database > Export > Shape File(s) menu option (EXPSHP GX) to export a GDB database to a shape file (or files).

Export to Shape File(s) dialog options

Output shape file name/base name

File name, .SHP assumed if not provided.

Script Parameter: EXPSHP.FILE

Channels to save

"D" for displayed channels. "A" for all channels.

Script Parameter: EXPSHP.CHAN

Lines/Groups to save

"D" for the displayed line only. "S" for all selected lines. "A" for all lines.

Script Parameter: EXPSHP.LINE

Save lines to

Lines will be saved to a single file if EXPDB.SINGLE is set to "S" for single shape file output and to individual shape files if it is set to "M" (for multiple shape files output).

Script Parameter: EXPSHP.SINGLE: S: Single, M: Multiple tables

Application Notes

Either displayed data channels or all data channels may be exported, and the displayed line, selected lines or all lines may be exported. If the output file(s) already exist, they will be overwritten.

The system offers you several choices for creating a shape file: You can either export worksheets (i.e. lines or groups) in an Oasis montaj database to individual files or to a single file. The following describes the options available for each.

Individual Tables (export as lines, groups, or lines and groups)


Each line has its own shape file in the output. As a rule of thumb, if you are working with multiple lines, we recommend that you export lines as individual shape files so that you can keep track of them in future. If you are working with a single line (i.e. geochemical data), it is more likely that you will export the line as a single table. The line names will be used as suffixes for the shape files created with the base file name followed by an underscore as a prefix.


Groups (such as individual drillholes in a Target database) will be saved to individual shape files.

Lines and Groups

If both lines and groups appear in the same Oasis montaj database, then only the type which is currently displayed will be exported. For instance, if a group is displayed, then only groups will be exported. If a line is displayed, only lines will be exported. If your database contains both lines and groups and you wish to save them all to shape files, you may do so by running the command twice, once when displaying a group, and a second time while displaying a line.

Single Table

All lines are stored in a single shape file. The file will contain an attribute field named Line that contains the line names of the entries in the database.