Apply Filter
Use the FFT2FLT GX to apply filters to an FFT2D image and to inverse FFT2D back.
FFT2FLT dialog options
Name of input transform (*_trn.grd) file |
Select the name of the input transform (.TRN) file. Script Parameter: FFT2FLT.IN |
Specify the name of the output grid file. Script Parameter: FFT2FLT.OUT |
Name of filter control file |
Select the name of the filter control file. Script Parameter: FFT2FLT.CON |
Name of reference (original) grid file |
Select the name of the reference (original) grid file. Script Parameter: FFT2FLT.REF |
[Flt-Inv Only] |
Selecting the Flt-Inv Only button will result in a inverse backed (.GRD) file, as the output file, but without gridbool and gridtrnd post processing provided. |
[Filter Only] |
Selecting the FilterOnly button will result in a transform (.TRN) file, as the output file, without the inverse FFT. Empty filter lines (i.e. only first five lines of geomag information) in Filter Control File (see below) will skip the filter process. |
Application Notes
Selecting the OK button will result in an inverse backed (.GRD) file with GRIDBOOLl and GRIDTRND post processing provided as the output file.
The FFT data storage input file (.TRN) is:
NY= original Y dimension
DX= X element separation
DY= Y element separation
WX= 1/(NX*DX), wavenumber increment in X
WY= 1/(NY*DY), wavenumber increment in Y
QX= 1/(2*DX) , Nyquist in X
QY= 1/(2*DY) , Nyquist in Y
0 +WX +QX
r i r i r I
NY-1 . . . . . . . . . . -WY
. . . . . . . . . . -WY*2
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . -(QY-WY)
. . . . . . . . . . QY
. . . . . . . . . . QY-WY
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
2 . . . . . . . . . . WY*2
1 . . . . . . . . . . WY
0 . . . . . . . . . . 0
0 . . . . . . . . . .(NX+1)

Title Line
100 /sensor height
45/magnetic inclination
10/magnetic declination
55000 /magnetic field strength
TXYZ0 3 / filter
/Following are descriptions of the MAGMAP process commands. Any number
/of commands may be entered starting in line 6. The order is not important.
/Each command consists of a 4 letter mnemonic followed by a space and a
/number of optional parameters, then a slash character. For example:
/BTWR 0.001,6,1 / apply a Butterworth low-pass filter
/DRV1 / first vertical derivative
/Parameters are numbered in order following each command:
/BPAS Apply a bandpass filter:
/ 1. the low wavenumber cutoff in cycles/metre. All wave numbers below
/this value will be removed.
/ 2. the high wavenumber cutoff in cycles/metre. All wave numbers
/higher than this will be removed.
/ 3. if 1, pass the defined band; if 0, reject the defined band. The
/default is to pass the band.
/BTWR Apply a Butterworth filter:
/ 1. The central wavenumber of the filter.
/ 2. degree of the Butterworth filter function. By default, a degree
/of 8 is used.
/ 3. a flag (0 or 1), to specify if a residual (0) high pass or a
/regional (1) low pass is required. By default, a regional filter
/is applied.
/CNUP Upward continue the data to a new level:
/ 1. the distance, in metres, to continue up relative to the plane of
/CNDN Downward continue the data to a new level:
/ 1. the distance, in metres, to continue down relative to the plane
/of observation.
/COSN Apply a cosine rolloff filter:
/ 1. low wavenumber starting point of the filter.(Cut-off wavenumber
/for high-pass or start of roll off for low-pass.)
/ 2. high wavenumber end point of the filter.(Start of roll off for
/high-pass or cutoff wavenumber for low-pass.)
/ 3. the degree of the cosine function. The default is a degree of 2
/for a cosine squared rolloff.
/ 4. 0 for residual (high-pass) filter; 1 for regional (low-pass)
/filter. The default is a low-pass filter.
/DCOS Apply a directional cosine filter:
/ 1. direction of the filter in degrees (0-360 relative to true
/ 2. the degree of the cosine function. By default, a degree of 2 is
/used to give a cosine squared function.
/ 3. if 1, apply the filter to pass the specified direction; if 0,
/apply the filter to reject the specified direction. By default,
/the direction is rejected.
/DENS Produce an apparent density map:
/ 1. thickness, in metres, of the earth model.
/ 2. background density in g/cm3, to be added to the density contrast
/map. The default is 0.
/DPAS Apply a directional pass/reject filter:
/ Angles are measured clockwise relative to north.
/ 1. the low cut-off angle in degrees (0-360).
/ 2. the high cut-off angle in degrees (0-360).
/ 3. if 1, pass the defined band; if 0, reject the defined band. The
/default is to pass the band.
/ Calculate the n'th derivative respective direction (X, Y or Z):
/ 1. order of differentiation.
/GAUS Apply a Gaussian regional/residual filter:
/ 1. the standard deviation of the Gaussian function in cycles/metre
/(similar to cutoff point).
/ 2. if 0, the residual component is produced; if 1 the regional
/component is produced.
/GNRL Apply a general radially symmetric filter. The filter is defined as
/ a piecewise linear function of wavenumber:
/ 1. the wavenumber increment (cycles/metres), starting from zero
/wavenumber, at which the following filter amplitudes are applied.
/ 2.-201.
/the coefficients of the filter function at each wavenumber
/increment starting at zero wavenumber. The last value given is
/used for all higher wave numbers. More than one line can be used
/to give the coefficients. A slash character (/) must follow the
/last coefficient.
/Normally, filter coefficients are between 0 and 1.For example,
/the following defines a low-pass filter that starts at a
/wavenumber of 0.003 and rolls of to remove all wave numbers above
/gnrl 0.001 1. 1. 1. 1. .8 .5 .2 0
/HPAS Apply a high-pass filter:
/ 1. the cutoff wavenumber in cycles/ metre. All wave numbers below
/this value are removed.
/INTG Vertical integration.
/LPAS Apply a low-pass filter:
/ 1. The cutoff wavenumber in cycles/metre. All wave numbers above
/this value are removed.
/NAIV Run MAGMAP using naive default options for all processes.
/OPTM Calculate and apply an optimum filter. The optimum filter will
/ remove the effect of all sources that would theoretically lie above
/ the specified filter depth. The filter coefficients are based on
/ analysis of the power spectrum:
/ 1. the depth at which to calculate the optimum filter. By default,
/the depth is taken from the flying height in the control file, or
/the continuation depth if specified by the CNDN or SUSC options.
/ 2. the wavenumber (cycles/m) at which to start the high-wavenumber
/rolloff. This parameter must be given together with parameter 4.
/By default, this point is calculated from the spectrum.
/ 3. the wavenumber (cycles/m) at which to end the high wavenumber
/roll-off. By default, this point is calculated from the
/ 4. spectral density estimate of noise to be removed by the Wiener
/filter. This is in terms of the log of spectral density as
/reported in the second column of the power spectrum. By default
/this is calculated from the power spectrum.
/REDE Reduce the magnetic field to the magnetic equator.
/REDP Reduce the magnetic field to the magnetic pole:
/ 1. Inclination to which to use the phase component only. When
/reducing to the pole from equatorial latitudes, north-south
/features can blow-up due to the strong amplitude correction that
/is applied. By specifying a higher latitude for the amplitude
/correction, this problem can be reduced or eliminated.
/A value of 90 causes only the phase component to be used (no
/amplitude correction), and a value of 0 (zero) causes phase and
/amplitude components to be applied over the entire range. The
/default is 20 degrees.
/ROFP Rotate the magnetic field from the pole:
/ 1. Needs input from Gerry C here
/SUSC Produce a susceptibility map. Note that the input grid should have
/ the IGRF removed. This option invokes the REDP and CNDN options as
/ well as applying a filter to convert the magnetic field to
/ susceptibility:
/ 1. Depth in metres, relative to the observation level at which to
/calculate the susceptibility. By default the flying height
/reported in line 10 of the MCF constants is used.
/ 2. Inclination to which to use the phase component only in the
/reduction to the pole. The default is 20.
/TXYZ Convert magnetic field from T component (total field) or
/ Z component (vertical field) to another (X,Y,Z or T) component.
/ 1. Input transform field:
/0 total field.
/1 X field (not recommended for input, see note)
/2 Y field (not recommended for input, see note)
/3 vertical field (positive down)
/ 2. Output transform field, as above.
/ Note: The X and Y fields cannot be used to calculate the
/other fields because they do not contain information
/in the orthogonal direction, which is required. See
/the DXDYTF program, which can be used to calculate the
/total field if you have both the X and Y derivative fields.
/ Examples:
/ TXYZ 0 1 / calculate X field from total field
/ TXYZ 0 2 / calculate Y field from total field
/ TXYZ 0 3 / calculate vertical field from total field
See Also:
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