Set FFT Sampling Parameters

Use the Set FFT Sampling Parameters option (FFTSAMP GX) to set channel data sampling parameters for 1D FFT.

Set FFT Sampling Parameters dialog options

Distance increment

The required distance increment. If not specified, the nominal data spacing will be used.

Script Parameter: FFTSAMP.SAMPINCR

Interpolation method

The interpolation method to use, one of "Linear", "Minimum Curvature", or Akima". The default is "Minimum Curvature".

Script Parameter: FFTSAMP.METHOD

Application Notes

Execute the GX  to ensure that the input data is appropriately sampled for 1D FFT. If your data has a variable spacing between samples (such as may occur in ground-based surveys) then the default "Minimum Curvature" interpolation method may result in the introduction of artifacts into the filtered output. If this occurs, changing the interpolation method to "Linear" or specifying a distance increment that is appropriate to your data will likely prevent those artifacts from occurring.