Save Grid to Database

Use the Grid and Image > Utilities > Save Grid to Database menu option (GRIDGDB GX) to import grid data into new or existing databases.

Save Grid to Database dialog options

Grid file

Select input grid data file name.

Script Parameter: GRIDGDB.GRD

New database

Select database file name.

Script Parameter: GRIDGDB.GDB

Data channel

Name of the channel to place the grid cell values into.

Script Parameter: GRIDGDB.DATACH

Decimation factor in X direction

Decimation factor in the X direction (Default is 1).

Script Parameter: GRIDGDB.XDEC

Decimation factor in Y direction

Decimation factor in the Y direction (Default is 1).

Script Parameter: GRIDGDB.YDEC

Trim dummies option:

Select "Trim leading/trailing dummies", "Trim all dummies", or "Leave all dummies" (Default is Trim leading/trailing dummies).

Script Parameter: GRIDGDB.TRIMDUM

0 trim leading/trailing dummies (default)

1 trim all dummies

2 leave all dummies

Create index channel?

Select "No" or "Yes" to create an index channel (Default is No).

Script Parameter: GRIDGDB.INDEXCH

Application Notes

The output X, Y database channels will be in the same coordinate system as the Grid File. Four data channels are written to the database (X, Y, Z, "Data"). The Z channel is populated with the reference Z coordinates for the grid cells if the grid is oriented in 3D. If the grid is not oriented in 3D, the Z channel is populated with dummy values (*).

There are three options for trimming. The default option scans a grid line and trims dummies until a valid cell is found and then places the information into the database. It then moves to the end of the line, reverses the scanning direction, and dummies until a valid cell is found, placing any information into the database. The second option trims all dummies within the grid and places only valid data into the database. The last option leaves all dummies and places all information into the database.