Colour-shaded Grid Image

Use the Colour-shaded Grid Image dialog (GRIDIMGS GX) to place a colour-shaded grid image on a map.

Colour-shaded Grid Image dialog options

Grid name

Select grid name

Script Parameter: GRIDIMGS.GRID

Shading effect

Select the shading effect option:

Normal (RGB) - shading using RGB model
Wet-look (HSV) – shading using Hue, Saturation, Value

If shading using "Wet-look (HSV)", the colour table specified is ignored. Instead, the hsvc.tbl and hsvg.tbl tables are used for the colour and shaded components of the image respectively.

Colour method

Select the colour method as one of the following options: As last displayed, Default, Histogram equalization, Normal distribution, Linear, Log-linear.The method "As last displayed" will display each grid as it was displayed the last time the grid was viewed, and the colour tables will be ignored.
If the selected colour scheme is an .itr file or a .zon file, the colours are already attributed to data ranges, and this entry remains disabled.

Script Parameter: GRIDIMGS.ZONE

Colour table

Select the colour scheme for rendering the colour-shaded grid image. If you mouse over the colour scheme entry, a tooltip will display the name of the colour table in its folder. To modify the selection, click on the colour entry and then navigate through the scheme categories.

Script Parameter: GRIDIMGS.COLOR


The normal brightness is defined at 0. You can change the brightness from -100 (black) to 100 (white) using either the slider bar or by entering an exact value

Script Parameter: GRIDIMGS.BRIGHTNESS [range: 0 to 100]

Contour interval

The contour interval.

Script Parameter: GRIDIMGS.CONTOUR

Illumination inclination

Illumination inclination (Default 45 degrees).

Script Parameters: GRIDIMGS.INC

Illumination declination

Illumination declination (Default 45 degrees).

Script Parameters: GRIDIMGS.DEC

Vertical scale factor

Vertical scale factor.

Script Parameters: GRIDIMGS.SCL

Application Notes

Click the New Map button to display a grid on a new map. Click the Current Map button to display the grid on the current map.(For script file, set Script Parameter: GRIDIMGS.NEW to 1 to create a new map; 0 to use current map)

If a new map is specified, the range of the grid is used to create a basic map layout.

For the "Normal (RGB)" shading effect, the specified colour table and contour interval are used to display the original grid data and the grey.tbl table is used to display the shaded-relief grid.

If the "Wet-look (HSV)" effect is selected, the hsvg.tbl and hsvg.tbl are used to display the colour and shaded-relief grids respectively.

Oasis montaj will create a shaded-relief grid file with the same name as the input grid plus a suffix "_s". For example, if "mag.grd" is the grid name, Oasis montaj will create a shaded relief grid named "mag_s.grd".

You can use the Image Colour Tool to modify the shading parameters if desired.

If you want to see the same data shaded from different directions on different images, use "Grid/Filters/Shaded relief" (gridshad GX) to create separate shaded grids for each of the independent maps. The "2-grid composite" grid display can then be used to display the different shaded grids with the desired original data. Each image will then be controlled independently.