Multiply Two Grids

Use the Multiply Two Grids Together dialog (GRIDMUL2 GX) to multiply two grids together.

Multiply Two Grids Together dialog options

First input grid

First input grid (.grd file)

Script Parameter: GRIDMUL2.IN1

Second input grid

Second input grid (.grd file)

Script Parameter: GRIDMUL2.IN2

Output product grid

Output product grid (.grd file)

Script Parameter: GRIDMUL2.OUT

Application Notes

Multiplication of the grids occurs grid point by grid point.

One typical application of grid multiplication is to find matching anomalies in grids of two different measured parameters. For example, if you have both magnetic and radiometric data for your survey area, and you are looking for features that are both magnetic highs and also potassium highs, then multiply the magnetic grid and the potassium grid together. Features that are high in both parameters will stand out as highs in the product grid.

If the second grid does not match the first in coordinate system, grid size or cell size, it will be sampled to match the first grid and the result grid will be spatially equivalent to the first grid.