Transpose a Grid

Use the Grid and Image > Utilities > Transpose menu option (GRIDTRNS GX) to transpose a grid by swapping the grid rows with the grid columns.

Transpose a Grid dialog options

Grid to transpose

Grid to transpose

Script Parameter: GRIDTRNS.GRD


Transpose options:
0 - always transpose (default)
1 - force rows in X direction
-1 - force rows in Y direction

Script Parameter: GRIDTRNS.TCON

Application Notes

This operation is done in-place, so that the input grid itself is transposed.

A transposed grid differs from the original only by the order of storing the grid values in the file, and the storage sense flag in the grid header. All viewing and manipulating of grids are insensitive to this storage sense, with the exception of operations that require two grids to be processed together.

Many of the grid utilities that work with more than one input grid require that the grids have the same storage sense. The GRIDTRNS GX can be used to change the storage sense as required.

Transposing a grid is also useful for aligning grid rows in preparation for applying directional filters with the Bi-directional gridding method.

This GX will only work with grids that support different storage sense.