X,Y to Longitude,Latitude

Use the Gravity > Locations > X,Y -> Longitude,Latitude menu option (GRXY2LL GX) to convert projected map or local coordinate system X/Y coordinates to longitude/latitude.

X,Y -> Longitude,Latitude dialog options

Conversion method

Select the Projected coordinate system method to use a map projection.

Select the Local coordinate system method to use origin and azimuth.

Script Parameter: GRXY2LL.METHOD

Application Notes

This procedure is useful if you have data points with known longitude and latitude coordinates, and you would like to work on a map/local X, Y coordinates.

For the "Projected" method, the X, Y coordinates are calculated based on a projected map coordinate system by running NEWXY GX.

For the "Local" method, the X, Y coordinates are calculated by projecting longitude/latitude coordinates to a Transverse Mercator projection with a central meridian through the specified local (X, Y) and then rotating to the required Y azimuth by running LL2XY GX. A local coordinate system is an arbitrary Cartesian coordinate system that has been located and oriented for the purposes of a particular study.