Export Database to HXYZ (HyperXYZ)

The HXYZGDB GX is used to create an HXYZ (HyperXYZ ) database from a Geosoft random point database. This point format was designed as an optimized read-only format for DAP servers and supports compression, fast windowing, and multithreading. It is recommended that all point data stored on a DAP server use this format to ensure the server functions efficiently.

Export Database to HXYZ (HyperXYZ)

Output HXYZ file name

Name of the HXYZ file to produce. Note that multiple files are produced with the same name and extensions, like .hxyz, .hxyzd, .hxyzi, etc. They must all be copied together for the HXYZ to work properly.

Channels to save

Select what channels to be included in the HXYZ file. There are two options:

  • Displayed Channels

  • All database channels

Lines to save

Specify what database lines to be included in the HXYZ file. There are three options:

  • Displayed line

  • Selected lines

  • All lines


Execute the conversion.