Datamine to Voxel

Use the Voxel > Conversions > Datamine to Voxel menu option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.VoxUtils.ImportDatamineToVox;Run)*), to import fields from a Datamine Block Model file to Geosoft Voxels.

Datamine Block Model to Voxel dialog options

Output voxel

Specify the name of the Geosoft Voxel file to generate (.geosoft_voxel).

See Appilcation Notes for the naming convention used when more than one voxel file is generated.


Block model file

Browse to select the Datamine Block Model file (*.dm) to import.


Coordinate System

Coordinate System

The Coordinate System dialog allows you to specify the correct coordinate system information (Datum and Projection Method) for the incoming Datamine Block Model file.

Script Parameters:






Select Fields

Select Fields

The two-panel selection tool is displayed if there is more than one available data field in the Datamine Block Model file.

Use this dialog to select one or more fields and for each field selection, a voxel file will be created using the naming convention described in the Application Notes below.

See Select Items to Process for more information on selecting items.


Application Notes

*The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.

  • If more than one field is selected for import, the Output voxel name is used as a prefix along with the selected field names in the Select Fields dialog, to create the actual output file names. For instance, if the output voxel file name is "BlockModel.geosoft_voxel", and the two fields "Ag" and "Au" were selected for conversion to Geosoft voxel files, then the actual output file names would be "BlockModel_Ag.geosoft_voxel" and "BlockModel_Au.geosoft_voxel."

  • If just one field is selected and if a 3D Viewer is open, the output voxel will be displayed in the 3D Viewer window. Otherwise, the output voxel will be displayed in its own native window (in Voxel Viewer). If the output voxel does not display, open the Advanced Settings dialog (Project > Settings > Advanced) and under the Voxel Settings section, check if the Display Created Voxels option is set to "True".

  • The output voxel model cell size is based on the size of the sub-cells in the Datamine Block Model file. The output voxel X and Y cell sizes are determined by finding the smallest sub-cell sizes in X and Y. These values are used as long as they are greater than or equal to 1/10 of the original XINC and YINC sizes of the full block model.

  • In cases where the block model is being used to model a thin layer, and the original block model contains a single block (NZ = 1), the number of cells in the Z-direction in the output voxel model is determined by taking the maximum of a) one-tenth the output voxel X or Y cells sizes, or b) one one-hundredth of the original "ZINC" value (the original block model "Z" size).

  • If the block model "NZ" is not equal to one, then the output voxel Z-cell size is found using the same method as for the X-cell size and Y-cell size; the smallest sub-cell "Z" size is used, down to 1/10 of the original "ZINC" value.

  • If running from a script, specify the fields to import as a CSV (Comma-separated value) list, e.g.: "Ag,As", using the Script Parameter: "IMPORTDATAMINETOVOX.FIELDS"