Import AMIRA File

Use the Database > Import > AMIRA > Import AMIRA File menu option (IMPAMIRA GX) to import an AMIRA file into a Geosoft Database. The data will be imported and displayed as an Array in the database spreadsheet window.

Import AMIRA File dialog options

AMIRA file name

Input an AMIRA data file name ( *.tem ).

Script Parameter: IMPAMIRA.FILE

Application Notes

The standard AMIRA file format used for the storage of TEM data consists of four parts: Title, Constant Definitions, Column Definitions, and Data Records.

This GX saves the constants defined in the AMIRA into an embedded file in the database, which can be viewed by a separate GX program AMRCONST.GX. The column definitions will be used to create channel names. If COMPONENT is defined in the Constants part of the AMIRA file (normally X, Y and Z), it will be used as part of the data channel name.