Import Leapfrog Model File

Use the Imports > Leapfrog Model File option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.ImportLeapfrogModel;Run)*) from the 3D Viewer > Add to 3D menu to import a Leapfrog model (LFM) file into a Geosoft surface (geosurface) file.

The geosurface file will be added to Project Explorer > Geosurfaces and to the current 3D View.

Import Leapfrog Model File dialog options

Import Leapfrog model

Browse to select the Leapfrog model file (*.lfm) to import.


Output geosurface name

Specify the name of the output geosurface file (*.geosoft_surface). Automatically pre-populated with the same file name as the input file.


Leapfrog Model Coordinate System

No coordinate system information (datum, projected coordinate system, UTM zone, etc.) is stored in the Leapfrog mode file, so the user must define the correct coordinate system on import. The Coordinate System dialog is presented during the import so that the user can enter the correct coordinate system details.

Coordinate system

This displays the coordinate system (Datum and Projection method) for the Leapfrog model file. Use this dialog to define the coordinate system for the incoming Leapfrog model.

Script Parameters:

IMPORTLMF.IPJ_NAME (which can be an EPSG coordinate system name)





Application Notes

Geological models created in Leapfrog can be imported into the 3D View using Leapfrog model files. Leapfrog model files (*.lfm) store a collection of meshes and interpolants (results similar to Geosoft isosurfaces) created in Leapfrog Geo. These meshes can be imported to create a new Geosurface file, with one sub-surface for each original mesh.

Colours for each mesh are stored in the Leapfrog model file and will be retained on import, but transparency and mesh render mode (smooth, filled, edges of triangles) are not stored. These can be edited after import in the Attributes tab.

*The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.