Vulcan Block Model to Voxel(s)

Use the Voxel > Conversions > Vulcan Block Model to Voxel(s) menu option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.ImportVulcanBlockModel;Run)*), to import a Vulcan Block Model file to Geosoft Voxels.

Import Vulcan Block Model to Voxel(s) dialog options

Vulcan block model file

Browse to select the Vulcan Block Model file to be imported.


Output voxel file prefix

Specify the name of the Geosoft Voxel file to generate (.geosoft_voxel).

If more than one field is selected for import, this name is used as a prefix, along with the selected field name(s) to create the actual output file name.

For instance, if the output voxel file prefix is "Test.geosoft_voxel", and the two fields "Ag" and "Au" were selected for conversion to Geosoft voxel files, then the actual output file names would be "Test_Ag.geosoft_voxel" and "Test_Au.geosoft_voxel."


Set Vulcan default value blocks to dummy

Vulcan block models can contain numerous cells which have a 'default value'. This value is sometimes -99 and is meant to represent null or empty cells, in which case the user might want to exclude these values from the import.

In other cases, this default value might be used as a background, or common value, in which case the user might want to retain these values in the import.


Numeric Variables

Variables to import

Select the numeric fields that you wish to import.

Vulcan block models can contain numerous variables, while Geosoft voxels only store a single variable per voxel. If you choose to import more than one variable from the Vulcan block model, then the same number of Geosoft voxels will be created, using the name convention described above in Output voxel file prefix.


String Variables

Variable to import

Select the string field that you wish to import.

Vulcan block models can contain numerous variables, both numeric and text; if you choose to import a string variable, then a Geosoft voxel that can store string values will be created. Geosoft voxels which store string values are called "Lithology" or "Thematic" voxels.


Rock code file

Select an existing rock code file that contains codes which match the values in the input variable; the assigned colours in the rock code file will be used to display the output voxel.

If you do not have a rock code file that corresponds to the string values in the selected variable, leave this option blank and a series of random colours will be assigned to the incoming string values. In this case, a default rock code file will be created and saved in the same folder as the output voxel file.


Coordinate System

Coordinate system

This displays the Coordinate System dialog which allows you to specify the correct coordinate system information for the incoming block model file. Use the drop-downs to define a coordinate system for the block model file. The coordinates of the Triangulation file will be re-projected (its native coordinate system) to that of the 3D view, if necessary. If multiple numeric variables are selected, the specified coordinate system will be applied to all output files.

Script Parameters:

IMPORTVULCANBMF.IPJ_NAME (can be an EPSG coordinate system name)





Application Notes

If a 3D Viewer is open when running the import, then all output voxels will be displayed in the 3D Viewer window. Otherwise, the output voxels will be each displayed into a new Voxel Viewer window. If the output voxel does not display, open the Advanced Settings dialog (Project > Settings > Advanced) and under the Voxel Settings section, check if the Display Created Voxels option is set to "True".

If the Rock code file option is left blank on import of String variables, then a default rock code file is created and saved during import. A unique file name is assigned based on the output voxel file name (e.g. if the output file name is ‘output_variablename.geosoft_voxel’, then the default rock code file will be called 'output_variablename_rockcode.csv’). You can then modify this rock code file using the DH-Data > Edit Rock Codes menu item.

If you do edit the default file, be sure to save it with a new name, as the default file will be overwritten by subsequent imports.

  • In order to apply the new rock code colours, you have to re-run the import process specifying the new rock code file. If the Rock code file provided does not contain ALL the strings present in the incoming block model, then any 'missing' values will be dummied out in the output voxel. This can be used to filter the imported data, if desired.
  • The output voxel cell size is chosen as the highest resolution cell size among the schemas found in the block model.

    *The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.