Import ArcGIS Shapefile

Use the  Import ArcGIS Shapefile(s) option (IMPORTARC GX) to import an ArcView™ Shape file into an Oasis montaj map or to add an ArcView™ Shape file to a 3D View.

ArcGIS Shapefile dialog options (3D View)

ArcView shape file(s)

Select one or more ArcView™ shape file(s) to import.

Script Parameter: IMPORTARC.FILES (Multiple items separated by the ‘|’ character.)

For further details see the Application Notes below.

ArcGIS Shapefile dialog options (Map)

ArcView shape file(s)

Select one or more ArcView™ shape file(s) to import.

Script Parameter: IMPORTARC.FILES (Multiple items separated by the ‘|’ character)

Import data to

Specify the import option for the database information contained in the ArcView™ shape file. The accompanying attribute data stored in the associated .dbf file may be stored to a new or current database, or it can be ignored and not imported.

Script Parameter: IMPORTARC.DBOUT

Options: 0 : Current Database, 1: New database (default), 2 : Do Not Import, 3 : Current database with shape database(s), 4 : New database with shape database(s)

Plot map to

Select whether to import the geographic information (i.e., Arcs, lines, points, polygons) of the ArcView™ shape file to a new map, to one that is currently open, or to not import.

Script Parameter: IMPORTARC.MAPOUT (0 : Current map, 1: New map (default), 2 : Do Not Import)

Import to a New Map dialog options (Map)

Project data as

If the default option, "Plan" is selected, the data will be presented as a simple plan map. Select "E-W Section" to present and project the data as an East-West vertical section. Select "N-S Section" to present and project the data as a North-South vertical section.

Script Parameter: IMPORTARC.ORIENT (0 : Plan, 1 : E-W, 2 : N-S)

  • When the data is projected to a 2D View (plan or section) some 3D information can be lost. See the Application Notes below for more information.
  • Map scale

    Optional map scale for 2D views. If not specified, a new map with default size 30cm by 30cm is created, with a map scale determined to fit the data.

    Script Parameter: IMPORTARC.MAPSCALE (default = not defined)

    Create a New Map dialog options (Map)

    Map name

    Specify the name of the new map. Automatically pre-populated with the same name as the input ArcView shape file name.

    Script Parameter: IMPORTARC.MAP

    Create a New Database dialog options (Map)

    Database name

    Specify the name. of the new database. Automatically pre-populated with the same name as the input ArcView shape file name.

    Script Parameter: IMPORTARC.DB

    Application Notes

    • An ArcView™ shape file contains a single type of shape data, such as polygons, points, or lines. Each ArcView™ shape object may contain associated data values, so each shape and data value has its analogue in an Oasis montaj map or database object. The linkage between the feature and the data is maintained by writing the X and Y location values for each shape to the Oasis montaj database, along with the data. Use the shadow cursor, as normal, to find the correspondence between rows in the database and features on the map. ArcView™ features are written to the "ArcView" view in a map. The group name is the same as the ArcView™ shape file’s name (without the file type suffix).

    • Shape files do not contain graphical information such as colour, line type or line thickness, symbol type or symbol size, pattern fills, so the shapes are rendered in black and default values are used when creating the map. For instance, point data is plotted as filled black circles 1mm in diameter.

    • The data associated with each point is written to the database. The X and Y values written to the Oasis montaj database represent the centre of the bounding rectangle for ArcView™ shape objects. The number of rows in the database is equal to the number of shapes in the shape file.

    • ArcView™ shape files use PRJ files to define the coordinate systems. If a PRJ file with the same name as the related shape file exists in the directory in which the shape file resides, the projection defined by the PRJ file is used by the GX. If the PRJ file does not exist, the GX prompts you to define a projection for the shape file. A PRJ file will be created upon the successful creation of the projection.

    • If the ArcView shape file(s) are imported to a current map, the imported data will be projected onto the plane of the current Data View. If the view is a normal "plan" view, then the Z-dimension information will be lost. If the view is a "section" view (such as those created for drillhole sections in Target), the data is projected horizontally onto that plane.

    • 2D ArcView shape files imported to a 3D View will plot on the current default plane. If no plane exists, one is created above the 3D objects. 3D ArcView shape files will be imported, projected and rendered in a 3D View as true 3D objects.

    ArcView™ Shape
    Oasis montaj Map Object








    A 1mm black filled circle is plotted at each point location. For PointZ or PointM data, the "Z" coordinates information, or "M" data value is imported to the database, as channels "Z" or "MData". For MultipointZ and MultipointM shapes, these values are ignored, because there is one value per vertex, not one value per shape. In a 3D view, a black point is plotted.





    Any "Z" coordinate information or "M" data value is ignored when plotted to a plan map. The polygons are not filled.





    Any "Z" coordinate information or "M" data value is ignored when plotted to a plan map.




    Not imported.

    An error message will appear, and the importation will terminate.

    ArcView™ Shape Data
    Oasis montaj Data Type



    A character variable of width N is converted to one of width N+1 in Oasis montaj.



    A 4-byte integer.



    An 8-byte floating point number.