Lag Correction

Use the Database Tools > Corrections > Lag Correction menu option (LAG GX) to apply a lag correction to a channel of data by shifting the start fiducial by a specified lag amount.

The option is also available with the following extensions and menus:

  • Gravity and Terrain Correction: Moving Platform Gravity > Navigation Corrections
  • Geophysics Levelling: Tie Line Levelling > Levelling Corrections
  • UAV Merge Sorties: UAV Merge Sorties > Pre-processing

Lag Correction dialog options

Channel to lag

Name of the channel to lag.

Script Parameter: LAG.IN

Output channel

Name of the output lagged channel.

Script Parameter: LAG.OUT

Lag shift (fiducials)

Lag to be subtracted from the start fiducial. A positive lag will shift the data back in time, and negative lag will shift the data forward in time

Script Parameter: LAG.SHIFT

Application Notes

After the lag has been applied, the channel will be resampled to match the original start fiducial and channel length. If the lag is an even multiple of the fiducial increment, the data will simply shift on the line. If the lag is not an even multiple of the fiducial increment, the re-sampling will use piece-wise linear interpolation.

Applying a lag correction will cause data to be lost at the start or end of the line depending on the lag direction.