Make Line Channel

Use the Database Tools > Channel Tools > Make Line Channel menu option (LINECHAN GX) to create a line number channel.

Make Line Channel dialog options

Output channel name

Name of the channel holding the line number. Line numbers are saved as strings.

Script Parameter: LINECHAN.NAME

Reference channel

The new channel acquires its increment, number of points, and start fiducial from this channel.

Script Parameter: LINECHAN.REF

Line number format

Select the extent of detail to capture on output. The Line channel can be decorated with the line type, version number, flight number.

To support all these options, the output channel created is of type String (see Application Notes below).

Select the line number format from the drop-down list.

Script Parameter: LINECHAN.FORMAT

Application Notes

When exporting data from the system, for instance, archiving data in ASCII format, you may want to create a channel that has line information only. You can either select from the list of predefined formats, or use the following format specifiers to enter a text string (Script Parameter: LINECHAN.FORMAT) that defines your line label format:

  •  L - include line number
  •  T - include line type
  •  V - include line version
  •  F - include line flight
  •  D SI format date (cannot be combined)

For example:

  • to create a channel consisting of line information in "L100:3" format, specify LTF.
  • to create a channel in "2006/12/28" format, specify D.

Output Line Number Format

The output of the current tool, regardless of the chosen format, will be of type String. However, if you have chosen an entirely numeric format, one of: Type only, Version only, Flight only, Flight date, 100, 100.2, after executing this tool, first create a channel of the desired type such as Long or Double then copy the string channel into the newly created numeric channel.

Copy a Channel

All the following options will result in the desired outcome:

  1. Database Tools > Channel Tools > Copy Channel
  2. Database Tools > Channel Math: C1=C0
  3. In the database, triple click on the newly created numeric channel then enter "=<string_channel_name>" followed by the Enter key.