Background Task Manager

Use the Manage Background Tasks dialog to check the status of your background tasks and output files and load any of the successfully generated files into your current project. You have the option to add the generated grid(s) to the Project Explorer as well as displaying them in a Grid Viewer in your project workspace.

Manage Background Tasks dialog


The name of the gridding method.


The database channel used in the gridding process.


The date and time of task completion.


The job status is reported (and highlighted) as one of the options below: 


The task is currently running.


The task has completed.


The task is reported as "failed": an exception or failure in the process was detected, and the log file contains the error message associated with the failure*.


The task may have completed successfully, but the files originally created have been either modified, deleted or overwritten, for example, the same process was executed a second time.


This is the fall-through status if none of the above could be determined.


The output file name.

File status

The status of the output file is reported as one of the options below:


If the task status is “Unknown”, all files' statuses are set to “Unknown”. It is also the “fall through” status if for some logical reason none of the tags below can be assigned.


The task has not yet finished /is still running.


The task completed and the output file has been created but not loaded yet into the current project.

Applying Remove from Project to a grid in the Project Explorer will reset the File status back to "Created" if it was originally "Displayed" or "Added to Explorer" without being displayed.

The GX detected an exception or failure in the process and logged the job as "Failed". The name of the file being created when the failure occurred and the associated error message are also logged*.

Click on the “Failed” status to view the logged error message.
Not created

The task completed without creating the expected output file, likely due to a failure.

Any output files listed after a “Failed” file will be displayed as “Not created”. This is independent of whether the file (created before or after the background task) actually exists.

The file may have been successfully created for this task, but its date stamp indicates it has been modified since the job completed.

This functionality is only recorded when Run in background is enabled. Otherwise, the File status is not updated.

The file name can no longer be found. This can occur on a subsequent run where the process deletes existing files before recreating them, or you might have deleted the file manually.

Added to Explorer

The file as created in this task has been loaded into the current project and added to the Project Explorer.

This tag will show only if the file has not been overwritten by a newer version.

The file as created by this task has been loaded into the Project Explorer and displayed in the project workspace.

This tag will only show if the file has not been overwritten by a newer version.
If the grid name is repeated in the Output column, the File status will update for each entry.


The Load button is enabled for each of the successfully created grids that have not been loaded yet into the project. Press the button to load the file into your current project and add it to Project Explorer.

[Display grid when loading in Project Explorer]

Check this box to display the grid in the current project workspace in a Grid viewer. If unchecked, the grids will be added to the current project and listed in Project Explorer, but they will not be opened in the project workspace.


Click on the Refresh button to update the status of your background tasks: the Time, Status, File status, and Load entries will be updated. This can be very useful with a long process that is showing a "Pending" file or a "Running" task status for a while.

Application Notes

* If the background task is executed from the Grid Data tool, a log file is created every time the GX is run with the option Run in background enabled. The file is dated and time stamped and can be found in the project’s working directory.

Quitting Oasis montaj, closing the project, or saving the project as another name clears the Manage Background Tasks ("MBT") dialog. Returning to an existing project will not repopulate the MBT dialog.

Loading a grid, then closing the MBT dialog and the grid, will provide the option to reload the grid when the dialog is reopened.

Manually displaying a grid that was created with the 'Run in background' option will have the File Status updated to "Displayed" and the Load button cleared if the option 'Display grid when loading in Project Explorer' is enabled.

Moving the output grid file over to a new directory will update the corresponding entry in the MBT dialog:  Status will become "Obsolete" and File Status will be "Deleted". If the file is moved back, the Status is set back again to "Success", the File status to "Created", and the file will be ready to "Load".