Full Map Style Base Map

Use the Full Map Style Base Map and Map Title Block dialogs to create a map style base map.

These dialogs are called from the BASEMAP2 GX, which is implemented as a wizard that runs several different dialogs depending on which map style layout you choose.

Full Map Style Base Map dialog options

North direction (deg Azimuth from Y)

The direction of geographic North in degrees clockwise relative to the coordinate system Y axis. If blank, a north arrow is not drawn.

Script Parameter: FULLMAP.NORTH

Reference grid

A reference grid can be plotted over the data either as dotted lines, solid lines, crosses at reference grid line intersections, or not at all.

Script Parameter: FULLMAP.REFGRID

Reference grid spacing

To Add a database field for import select (highlight) the channel in the window on the left and click the Add>> button. The selected channel will now be displayed in the window on the right.

Script Parameter: FULLMAP.REFSPACE

Line thickness (microns)

Reference grid line thickness in microns.

Script Parameter: FULLMAP.REFTHICK

Line colour

Reference grid colour

Script Parameter: FULLMAP.REFCOLOR

Y annotation orientation

Select an orientation for Y axis annotations. If you annotate Y axis horizontally, you must be careful to provide enough room on the left and right map margins for the annotation. You should annotate vertically if you will also be adding geographic annotations.

Script Parameter: FULLMAP.YORIENT

Add compass direction to annotations

The reference grid coordinates are plotted around the edge of the data. Specify YES if you would like the annotations to have a compass direction appended to the number, in which case negative coordinates will be annotated W and S, and positive coordinates will be annotated E and N. For example, -25 can be annotated as 25S or 25W if you specify YES.

Script Parameter: FULLMAP.COMPASS

Longitude, latitude annotations?

If a longitude, latitude reference grid is requested, a projection file that describes the map projection must be provided.

Script Parameter: FULLMAP.LLGRID

Longitude increment (deg.mmss)

Latitude increment (deg.mmss)

The increment between geographic annotations. By default, the system will determine a suitable spacing between geographic reference coordinates. If the default spacing is not suitable, you may specify your own in deg.mmss, where deg = degrees, mm = minutes and ss = seconds. NOTE: If you make the spacing too narrow, the annotations may overlap.


Line thickness (microns)

Line thickness for the geographic reference grid.

Script Parameter: FULLMAP.LLTHICK

Line colour

Line colour for the geographic reference grid.

Script Parameter: FULLMAP.LLCOLOR

Map Title Block dialog options


Client name.

Map title

Figure title. The title and sub-titles are placed at the bottom center of the figure.

Script Parameter: FULLMAP.TITLE


First sub-title

Script Parameter: FULLMAP.SUB_1


Second sub title

Script Parameter: FULLMAP.SUB_2

Text Line 1

Text Line 2

Text Line 3

Text Line 4

Text Block

Script Parameter: FULLMAP.

Map Creator

Name of map creator.

Script Parameter: FULLMAP.