Export Marked Data to XYZ

Use the Database > Export > Mark menu option (MARK2XYZ GX ) to extract the currently marked data in an open Oasis montaj database and place the data in an XYZ file. All channels currently displayed are extracted and placed in the file.

To mark a spreadsheet for XYZ export:

  • Select (highlight) a range of data in the fiducial channel or in a data channel.
    You can also select a data range by highlighting a range in the profile window.

  • Double click on a data channel header to select an entire line for marking.

To export marked data:

  1. On the Database menu, select Export and then select Mark. The Mark dialog is displayed.

  2. In the File name field, specify the new file name.

  3. Using the drop-down lists, select the Save mode as "New file" or "Append", and then select the File format from the list of supported file formats.

  4. In the Geosoft line name field, specify the extraction line name.

  5. Click the OK button and the data is exported to a Geosoft XYZ file format.

Mark dialog options

File name

File name.

Script Parameter: MARK2XYZ.FILE

Save mode

"New" for new file. "Append" for append to an existing file.

Script Parameter: MARK2XYZ.MODE

File format

"Geosoft" for Geosoft XYZ format with a line name header. "Raw" for raw ASCII format, no line headers. "REVS" for REVS compatible format (same as Raw).

Script Parameter: MARK2XYZ.FORMAT

Geosoft line name

Extraction line name, blank for no name. Database name format (e.g. "L100") and XYZ name format (e.g. "Line 100") are acceptable. This is the line name that is placed in the output XYZ file when using Geosoft format.

Script Parameter: MARK2XYZ.LINE

Application Notes

The exported marked data will be in the same format as displayed in Oasis montaj. Dummy data will be exported as "*" if using Geosoft format, otherwise dummy data will be skipped. Data that will not fit in the export column will be "**" for Geosoft format, skipped for other formats.

String channels are now supported. These will likely break the nice formatting noted in the above paragraph, but should have no effect for the purposes of importing or using the data.