Merge Lines

Use the Database Tools > Line Tools > Merge Lines menu option (MERGLINE GX) to merge two lines into a single line by concatenating (merging) the channels.

Merge Lines dialog options

New merged line

Name of output merged line.  If the line exists it will be overwritten.

Script Parameter:MERGLINES.OUT

Input lines to merge

Displays the list of lines to merge, provided in the desired merge order.

Script Parameter: MERGLINE.LINES

[Choose Lines]

Brings up the Select Lines to Merge dialog to select the lines to merge.

Select Lines to Merge dialog options

Not selected

List of existing lines in the current database.


Lines that will be merged. Lines are merged in the selected order.

< & >

Move the selected line to the other pane.


Move all the remaining lines to the other pane.


Swap the content of the two panes.

Application Notes

For backward compatibility, this GX saves the first 2 selected lines as project variables MERGLINES.LINE1 and MERGLINES.LINE2, thus allowing scripts created in earlier versions of Oasis montaj to operate as expected in version 7.3 and later.

If the output line exists, it will be over-written.

The lines will be merges in the order they are selected. The channels in the output line will have the same start fiducial and fiducial increment as the first selected line. The channels of the subsequent lines are appended to the previous line, regardless of their Start and increment. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the channel content is properly aligned.