Grid Mosaic from Grid File(s)

Use the Grid and Image > Utilities > Grid Mosaic from Grid File(s) menu option (MOSAIC GX) to create a single grid from a mosaic of input grids.

Grid Mosaic from Grid File(s) dialog options

Input grids

Select a set of grids to be used to make up the mosaic. To do this, click on the Browse button and select the grid files while holding down the Ctrl key. All grids must be in the same directory and in the same basic format.

All input grids must use the same coordinate system; that is, all the grids are geographic or all the girds are projected. If either case is not true, an error message will be presented that explains the situation and identifies the problem grid. 

The output grid will be in the projection and resolution of the first grid selected.

Output grid

The name of the output grid in which to place the result.

Application Notes

A mosaic is created by creating a new grid large enough to hold all the component grids in the projection and resolution of the first grid. Each grid will be reprojected and resampled as required and placed in the output grid. Only non-dummy values from each grid are used, and later grid values will replace earlier grid values if the grids overlap.