ANOY (annotate the Y-axis)

Annotate the Y axis of a rectangular area on the map.

Command Syntax:




Command Parameters: 


Define the rectangular area relative to this reference point. The default refers to point 0, the ground coordinate system.


Location of bottom left-hand corner of area to annotate. The default is the plot window defined in the MDF file by the MDFF command.


Location of upper right hand corner of area to annotate. The default is the plot window defined in the MDF file by the MDFF command.


Separation between annotated points. Annotation will either start at y1 or at the first even multiple of asep (depending on the setting of im). By default, a reasonable value is chosen.


Length of label tick in map units. Set tick to 0 to not plot ticks. The default is 0.4 cm. A positive tick size will place tick inside map border and a negative tick size places tick outside map border.


Side of the Y axis to annotate

-1    annotate left side only

0     annotate both left and right sides (default).

1     annotate right side only.


The compass direction of the +X axis of the SRS. Based on this direction, a compass direction suffix is added to the annotated number:

0     X axis points East (Default).

1     X axis points North.

2     X axis points West.

3     X axis points South.

-1    Do not add compass direction.


Orientation of the annotation

-1    Annotate vertically. Number tops point out from data.

0     Annotate horizontally (Default).

1     Annotate vertically. Number tops point into the data.


A text string prefix to add to the beginning of each annotation. The default is no prefix.


Annotation increment of asep

0     Only even multiples of asep are annotated.

1     Annotations start at x1.


Offset of the annotation posting from the map edge. The default is 0.15 cm.


Number of digits after decimal. The default is determined from asep.


Location of labels

0     Center all labels on annotation tick.

1     Center labels on ticks, but right or left justify labels at the

        edges of the data window. This prevents overlap of the X

        and Y annotations by not extending past the edges of the


Sub-Command Parameters:


Attribute for drawing labels. Ticks will be drawn using the current attribute.


Character height in map units. (default 2.5mm)


Character width in map units. (default 2.5mm)


Character spacing in map units. (default 2.5mm)


Slant of the characters in degrees from vertical. The default is the last slant specified.


Text font.

  • Attribute overrides can not be used.
  • The ANOY command replaces the previous ANNY command. ANNY syntax is still supported by MAPPLOT, but its use is discouraged.
  • Example
    MDFF M1


    This will annotate both the left and right edges of the valid data area defined by the MDF file named M1.MDF.

  • This command is part of the MAPPLOT GX.