DXYZ (Read data from an open XYZ file to data buffer)

The DXYZ command will read XYZ data from an open XYZ file into the MAPPLOT data buffers.

Command Syntax:

DXYZ line,continue,project

Command Parameters:


Optional line type (L, B, T, S, or R) and number to be read. By default, the next line from the valid range of lines defined by the DOPN command is read.


Controls duplication of the last point from a previous DXYZ read as the first point in the new buffer. This only matters if the previous read was truncated due to a line too long.


Do not duplicate the last point of the previous read. (Default)


Duplicate the last point of the previous read as the first point.


If the DOPN command defined a data projection different from the map projection, this parameter controls whether or not to project the data that is read to the map projection.


Do not project the data.


Project the data using the projection defined by the DOPN command. This is the default, if a projection was defined.



DOPN mag,2,,,ll.prj

DXYZ l100

This opens file MAG.XYZ and selects the second Z column to be read into the Z buffer. The data projection is defined by projection file LL.PRJ. The map projection was defined by projection file UTM17.PRJ. The DXYZ command reads line 100 from the data file. The data will automatically be projected from LL.PRJ to UTM17.PRJ.

  • This command is part of the MAPPLOT GX.