IFEQ, IFNE ... ENDF (process only if equal or not equal)

The IFEQ and IFNE conditional commands will cause the commands between this point in the file and the next matching ENDF command to be processed only if the result of comparing the first two parameters are the equal or not equal, respectively.

Command Syntax:

IFEQ a,b





Commands between IFEQ and ENDF are processed only if a is the same (equal) to b.

Command Syntax:

IFNE a,b





Commands between IFNE and ENDF are processed only if a is not the same as (not equal to) b.

Note that IFEQ and IFNE commands can be nested. To make MAPPLOT control files more readable, we recommend that you indent commands using the ">" character as shown in the example.


DOPN mag,2


>DXYZ ,1 

>RPLV %np%,DNPT 

>IFNE 0,%np% 



>RPLV %eof%,DEOF 

LPNE 1,%eof%

This control file processes all lines in the file MAX.XYZ and draws a line connecting all points of each line.

  • This command is part of the MAPPLOT GX.