INIT (Initialize the graphics system)

The INIT command sets the maximum number of attributes table entries that can be used in the plot. The maximum is 256, the minimum is 1, and the default is 16. If used, the INIT command must be the first command in the file.

Command Syntax:

INIT natt,nbuff,default

Command Parmeters:


The number of attributes to be allocated and used.

The default is 16.

The maximum is 256.

The minimum is 1.


Maximum number of points to allocate in XYZ data buffer. If not specified, then 60% of available memory is reserved for the data buffer. Each point requires 20 bytes of memory.

Enter 8000 to allocate the maximum that will fit in available memory. There must be a sufficient number of points to hold the longest polygon or polyline to be processed, or two times the longest polygon if clipping is used.


The name of the default ASCII attribute table. If the INIT command not present in the control file, the file MAPPLOT.AAT is used to define a set of attributes that can then be used. If the INIT command is used, but no default attribute file is named, there will be no pre-defined attributes and all attributes that are used must be defined.



Sets the maximum number of table entries to be used then initializes the map dimensions from an MDF file.

  • This command is part of the MAPPLOT GX.