LOOP (Sets the start point for a repeated loop)

All commands between a LOOP command and a terminating LPEQ or LPNE are repeated until the terminating command is not true. This can be useful for processing data files using the MAPPLOT data buffers.

Command Syntax:





LPEQ a,b

Repeat commands framed by the LOOP — LPEQ lines as long as "a" is the same as "b".





LPNE a,b

Repeat commands framed by the LOOP — LPNE lines as long as "a" is not the same as "b".

Note that LPEQ and LPNE commands can be nested. To make MAPPLOT control files more readable, we recommend that you indent commands using the " > " character as shown in the example.


DOPN mag,2


>DXYZ ,1 

>RPLV %np%,DNPT 

>IFNE 0,%np% 



>RPLV %eof%,DEOF 

LPNE 1,%eof%

This control file processes all lines in the file MAX.XYZ and draws a line connecting all points of each line. The loop stops when the end of the data file is reached.

  • This command is part of the MAPPLOT GX.