MAPR (Set map edge reference points)

The MAPR command is intended to follow the CPLTR command and is provided to support older versions of the Geosoft Mapping System. The command specifies the locations of the bottom left and upper right corners of the map area. Reference points 1 through 9 are defined based on these points. The plotting window will be the same size as the map, and reference point 12 will be the same as reference point 1.

Command Syntax:

MAPR refp,x1,y1,x2,y2

Command Parameters:


(either 0 or 10) Define the map corners relative to the SRS (refp 0) or the plot origin (refp 10). The default refers to point 0, the ground coordinate system.


Location of bottom left-hand corner of map area. The default is the plotter origin.


Location of upper right-hand corner of map area. (No default, these must be specified.)

  • Offsets relative to reference points 1-9 must be specified in map units.
  • The MAPR command cannot be used together with the PAGE, MDFF, WPAG commands.
  • Example
    PLTR 2500,-1000,-500

    MAPR 0,-1000,-500,0,500

    The PLTR command sets the map scale and origin, and the MAPR command defines the map corners. After a PLTR command, all reference points are defined.

  • This command is part of the MAPPLOT GX.