MDFF (Define the map layout from an MDF)

The MDFF command tells MAPPLOT to set the map scale and boundaries from the information contained in a Map Description File (MDF).

Command Syntax:

MDFF filename

Command Parameters:


The name of the MDF file (.MDF assumed).

A MDF file is used when making a standard map that has a sheet size and margins inside which there is a map area with a specified origin and scale. Usually, MDF files are created when you run the NEWMAP or NEWMAPLL GXs. MDF files may also be created manually by editing an ASCII file with extension .MDF. The following is a typical MDF file).

35.40 22.80 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 / xs,ys,mb,mr,mt,ml

2.000000E+04 1.0 4.240000E+03 1.052000E+04 0.0 / sc,ufac,x0,Y0,rot



/ Map Description File:


/ xs,ys - the X and Y dimensions of the map in centimetres. Some

/ standard sizes are:

/ xs , ys

/ A - 28.0,21.6 (11 x 8.5")

/ B - 43.2,28.0 (17 x 11")

/ C - 56.0,43.2 (22 x 17")

/ D - 86.4,56.0 (34 x 22")

/ E - 112.,86.4 (44 x 34")


/ mb,mr,mt,ml - the bottom, right, top and left margins in cm


/ sc - the true plotting scale for the window. (For example, to

/ plot a 1:25000 map, sc should be 25000.)


/ ufac - unit conversion factor, number of ground units per metre on

/ the ground: (1 metre = ufac * 1 ground unit)


/ metres - ufac = 1.0

/ feet - ufac = 3.28084

/ kilometres - ufac = 0.001

/ miles - ufac = 0.00062137


/ x0,y0 - the location, in ground units, of the bottom left corner

/ of the plot window.


/ rot - the orientation of the map axis relative to the ground

/ coordinate system, in degrees counter clockwise.



Only the first two lines are read and required. The third and following lines may contain other parameter settings. If a map projection has been defined, it will be in the third line.

  • The MDFF command cannot be used together with the PAGE, MAPR, or WPAG commands.
  • Example
    MDFF m1

    Set-up the map coordinate system based on the contents of M1.MDF.

  • This command is part of the MAPPLOT GX.