RPLS (Define a replacement string)

The RPLS command defines a match and replacement string. Any parameter lists that follow the definition of a match string will have any occurrences of that match string replaced with the replacement string.

Command Syntax:

RPLS match,"replace"

Command Parameters:


(may be repeated up to 16 times) All words in the control file that match the parameter match are replaced by "replace" before processing. match may be any string of up to 10 characters. We recommend that the string start and end with either a period (".") or a " % ". "replace" may be any string of up to 64 characters, which must be enclosed in double quotes if there are any spaces in the string.

  • The characters "<",">" or "|" should not be used in any strings.
  • Any continuous strings framed by dots (no spaces) are considered to be possible match strings. If such match strings are not defined, the string and dots are removed. This is to allow optional parameters to be defined on the command line. The only exception is when a match string is enclosed within double quotes on a command line. In this case, the match string is not removed, although it will still be replaced if a match is found. This is so that actual strings can include abbreviations without the risk of them being removed.

    MDFF m1

    RPLS .t.,"North Bay Property Limits"

    RPLS %1,10

    TEXT 1,%1,20,-1,".t."

    The text "North Bay Property Limits" is plotted 10 cm. right and 20 cm. above the map origin.

  • This command is part of the MAPPLOT GX.